Marco Ghedina

Marco Ghedina

Marco graduated in East Asian Languages and Cultures at Ca' Foscari University, after a semester in Shanghai studying at Huadong Shifan he came back to Italy for the graduation ceremony and immediately returned to China, to Beijing, where he began teaching Italian. During this period, his interest and study of ancient Chinese philosophical culture, in […]

Cristina Marsico

Cristina Marsico

After graduating in Languages and Cultures of Eastern Asia at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice in 2007, Cristina began to travel abroud as she could to obtain experience in languages and cultures. In 2012 Cristina strated offering linguistic integration projects for foreign students in secondary schools. In 2015 she obtained the CEDILS certification as Italian […]

Pamela Porpora

Pamela Porpora

Pamela graduated with a degree in Chinese Language and Culture from the University of Rome La Sapienza. In 2009 she attended a course for Chinese Language and Culture with the Pechino University of Languages. After two years far away from China, she returned to Pechino, driven by her passion for the country of China. She […]